Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Järjestäjät perustelivat Blast Pro Series LA:n paikanvaihtoa

Tapahtumasta vastaava Nicolas Estrup selvensi syyn Galen Centeristä poistumiselle.

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* Pakollinen tieto

The Blast Pro Seriesin Los Angelesin turnaus järjestetään tulevana viikonloppuna, joten järjestäjien ilmoitus paikanvaihdosta yllätti fanit. Tapahtuman järjestäjä Nicolas Estrup kommentoi Unikrn:lle syitä, miksi Galen Center vaihtui pienempään Beverly Avenuehen.

"It came from a desire we've had for a long time, to do something as immersive, intimate and inclusive as this, but we hadn't figured out when would be a good time to try it out. When looking at how we sold out São Paulo in a matter of hours, we could see that we didn't get the same level of ticket engagement on a broad scale. Instead, we primarily had ticket sales focused on the most expensive Blast Zone tickets."

"That to us meant that we now had the opportunity to tweak the experience for the better, with the focus being on that ticket group but opening up a bit wider to let more people in to this more inclusive and intimate show."

Estrup kuvailee uuden paikan tuovat katsojat entistä lähemmäs tapahtumia.

"When doing an event that all of a sudden goes from 6000-7000 tickets down to 1000-1500, that of course comes at a cost. We are then able to create more activities/engagements than at our normal big shows, but we definitely feel that the value added corresponds with the updated ticket price."

"The way we look at it is that we've taken a stadium concert and made it into a more intimate concert but the artist is the same. We think that most people would prefer seeing their favorite artist in as intimate a setting as possible. So when talking compensation, we have made it possible for people to repurchase their tickets again to their original price, which we feel is a great solution and hope fans agree."

Siirtoon pettyneet ovat jo saaneet rahansa takaisin, mutta esportsin seuraajat ovat ymmärrettävästi asiasta silti ihmeissään.

Selvensivätkö Estrupin kommentit ratkaisua, vai onko taustalla jotain isompaa?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Photo: Rfrsh

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