
Dele Alli yhteistyöhön Excel Esportsin kanssa

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Englantilainen jalkapalloilija Dele Alli on ryhtynyt yhteistyöhön e-urheilujoukkue Excel Esportsin kanssa. Dele Alli on kunnostautunut jalkapallon ohella myös Fortnitessa. Alli on myös merkkimainostaja Excel Esportsin yhteistyökumppani HyperX:n kanssa.

Alli kommentoi asiaa sanoen olevansa iloinen.

"Everyone who knows me knows my biggest passion outside of football is gaming and after becoming increasingly involved in the industry over the past few years, it seemed like joining forces with an esports team was a natural step for me to take. What drew me to EXCEL was the fact it's the biggest British esports brand in the country and competes at the top level of esports but as well as this, I love the fact the brand was born out of a passion for gaming and the values it upholds."

"My knowledge of being a competitive athlete is something I believe can really benefit EXCEL's roster of talent as they continue to strive to be better every single day but I'll also be looking to further my own knowledge and understanding of this truly exciting industry."

Dele Alli yhteistyöhön Excel Esportsin kanssa
Excel Esports

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