The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo ei koskaan paljasta The Legend of Zeldan virallista kronologiaa

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Elokuussa Nintendo päätti päivittää japanilaista The Legend of Zelda -sivua siten, että uusin The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sijoitettiin aikajanan loppuun. Tässä vain on omat ongelmansa, ja nyt sarjan vastaava Eiji Aonuma on paljastanut, mikseivät he halua vastata pelien kronologiaa koskeviin kysymyksiin. Asia paljastui kirjassa The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Creating a Champion.

Aonuman mukaan virallisen tarinan puuttuessa pelaajat luovat omat tarinansa. Jos taas Nintendo kertoisi virallisen aikajanan, se poistaisi kokonaan pelaajien omat kehitelmät, eikä moinen olisi hauskaa.

"In books like the recently released The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, we revealed where each Zelda game fell on a timeline and how their stories related, but we didn't do that for Breath of the Wild. There is a reason for that. With this game, we saw just how many players were playing in their own way and had those reactions I just mentioned."

"We realised that people were enjoying imagining the story that emerged from the fragmental imagery we were providing. If we defined a restricted timeline, then there would be a definitive story, and it would eliminate the room for imagination, which wouldn't be as fun."

"We want players to be able to continue having fun imagining this world even after they are finished with the game, so, this time, we decided that we would avoid making clarifications. I hope that everyone can find their own answer, in their own way."

Toinen selitys voisi tietenkin olla se, ettei Zelda-pelien suhdetta toisiinsa ole koskaan ajateltu selkeästi etenevänä kokonaisuutena, vaan pelit on tehty yksi kerrallaan omina teoksinaan. Nyt kun kronologia sitten venyy ja paukkuu, ei siihen haluta koskea lainkaan.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Kiitokset, Nintendo Insider

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