Layers of Fear 2

Layers of Fear 2 tarjoaa pelattavaa kymmeneksi tunniksi

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* Pakollinen tieto

Kauhuileva ja lyhyt peli Layers of Fear julkaistiin vuonna 2016, ja Gamereactorin arvion pääsee lukemaan täällä. Jatko-osa Layers of Fear 2 julkistettiin viime vuonna, ja Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan Gun Median Wes Keltneria PAX East -tapahtumassa siitä, mitä tulossa on.

Keltner lupasi muun muassa 9-10 tunniksi pelattavaa. Katso koko haastattelu alta täällä Gamereactorissa.

"Well with Layers of Fear 1 that was primarily about paintings and fine art, it's definitely a psychological horror experience," he explained. "The second one is an entire new story, so it's not like it picks up where part one left off, it's not like that; new story. It focuses primarily on film [...] a lot of horror references are found within, going all the way back from like Nosferatu [...] that's within the colours and the actual environments you're walking around in, so that's what we were most excited about when we met with Bloober Team, because we're big horror people as well, so when we saw the direction they were going with part two, we were like 'oh my gosh, what can we do to help you guys?', like we're totally, totally in with that."

"But you're still gonna see that same kind of psychological horror, some of those jumpscares that you're used to seeing from the first one, they're gonna be in there. It's got a little bit more content than the first one, so you can expect more like a 9 to 10 hours worth of playthrough, depending on how good you are at solving some of the puzzles and things that you find in that."

Layers of Fear 2

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GR Livessä tänään Layers of Fear 2

UUTINEN. Kirjoittaja Markus Hirsilä

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UUTINEN. Kirjoittaja Markus Hirsilä

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