
Mutazione on kuin pelattava saippuaooppera

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Die Gute Fabrik julkisti aiemmin tänä vuonna pelinsä Mutazionen olevan tulossa PC:lle ja PS4:lle. Game Developer Conferencessa Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan luovaa ohjaajaa Nils Denekenia, jonka mukaan tulossa on kuin pelattava saippuaooppera.

Julkaisun on määrä tapahtua jossain vaiheessa kuluvan vuoden aikana.

"It's like a playable soap opera, basically. So you play as this girl, 17 years old, and she's visiting her grandfather who's dying in this mutant village, and she has to kind of figure out how to help him and how to make him better."

"You have this ensemble cast. For example, if you think about Twin Peaks, you have this side where you get to know those characters and the personal stories and their love affairs [...] it's just as important as the adventure." So aside from the main story "you have also the story of the characters. They have their own personal life and issues and conflict and so on. So I found that really exciting, to learn more about non-player characters and be part of their life, and not necessarily be the sole center of attention."


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