
Vaitonaiset tekijät lupaavat Erican olevan täynnä yllätyksiä

Jututimme Flavourworksin Jack Attridgea Gamelabissa pelin hiljaiselosta.

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme tästä!

* Pakollinen tieto

Flavouworksin Erica nousi tietoisuuteen ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2017, mutta sittemmin tekijät ovat olleet hiirenhiljaa luomuksestansa. Törmäsimme studion luovaan johtajaan Jack Attridgeen Gamelabissa, ja tivasimme syytä seesteiselle ajanjaksolle.

"Yeah, we went underground for a while. By the time we announced, even the footage we were showing was quite early in development. We'd already done lots of [research and development], there were things we thought we could do better, there were things we felt didn't work as well, and one of those things as well was a story. I think we've been going really out there doing some radical stuff, and there was already so much we were doing about the game which was quite out there and risky, so as you start rewriting the story we tried to find something that felt more integral to being an interactive story. Why is is this story needs to be played rather than watched?"

Yksi syy viivästykseen on ollut studion koon kasvaminen. Alkujaan kahden hengen duona alkanut kehitystyö on kasvanut kahdeksan hengen projektiksi. Työsarkaa lisää halu tehdä teoksesta kokehmus, jonka voi pelata kolmesti läpi siten, että pelaajalle jää yhä tunne vielä näkemättömästä sisällöstä.

"But yeah, we feel like we've been biding our time on this and there's some really radical changes that will surprise people, I think, when they play it, but I think it's a good decision, and it just means that when people play it for the first time or they see it when we announce the release date, it'll just be like a nice surprise."

Katso koko haastattelu alla olevalta videolta.


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