Command & Conquer Remastered Collection

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection saa modituen

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Kesäkuun alussa julkaistaan PC:lle päivitetty Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, jonka Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä. Nyt on selvinnyt sekin, että odotettu modituki on tulossa. Asian paljasti Jim Vessella Redditissä.

Today we are proud to announce that alongside the launch of the Remastered Collection, Electronic Arts will be releasing the TiberianDawn.dll and RedAlert.dll and their corresponding source code under the GPL version 3.0 license. This is a key moment for Electronic Arts, the C&C community, and the gaming industry, as we believe this will be one of the first major RTS franchises to open source their source code under the GPL. It's worth noting this initiative is the direct result of a collaboration between some of the community council members and our teams at EA. After discussing with the council members, we made the decision to go with the GPL license to ensure compatibility with projects like CnCNet and Open RA. Our goal was to deliver the source code in a way that would be truly beneficial for the community, and we hope this will enable amazing community projects for years to come.

Pelaajat voivat jakaa omia luomuksiaan Steam Workshopissa. Kokoelman LAN-tuki ei valmistu julkaisuun mennessä, ja tästä on syyttäminen koronaviruksen aiheuttamia ongelmia.

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection

Aiheeseen liittyviä tekstejä

Command & Conquerin Kane on palannut

Command & Conquerin Kane on palannut

UUTINEN. Kirjoittaja Markus Hirsilä

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection on ulkona, ja Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä. Kane-pahiksena muistettava Joe Kucan on palannut rooliinsa, ja toki tästä on...

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