
Xbox All Access tulee olemaan keskeinen osa Xbox Series X -konsolin julkaisua

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Xbox All Access on mahdollisuus hankkia uusi Xbox hieman helpommin. Kuluttaja maksaa kuukausimaksun, joka kattaa niin osan laitteen hinnasta kuin tilausmaksut palveluista Xbox Game Pass ja Xbox Live Gold. Ohjelma on käytössä jo nyt valituilla markkina-alueilla, ja käytäntö saatetaan entistä laajemmin saataville lähitulevaisuudessa, kun uusi konsolisukupolvi alkaa.

Xbox-pomo Phil Spencerin mukaan Xbox All Access tulee olemaan täysin keskeinen osa Xbox Series X -konsolin julkaisua, ja koko alkavalle sukupolvelle yleensä. Spencer puhui Gamelab 2020 Live -tilaisuudessa.

"I think Xbox All Access is going to be critical to both our launch for Xbox Series X as well as just the overall generation."

"Xbox All Access this generation has been something that we've trialed; we've put into market in a limited capacity in certain areas, it's just a plat for us to learn and see if there's signal from customers on this. And it's been great, the response that we've seen, where we've tested Xbox All Access, it's been great. But it's been limited in terms of the market. So you're going to see a much broader market and retailer support for Xbox All Access, and it matches a model that customers use for many other devices that they buy. And as you have services that attach to those devices that people love, it just becomes an easier way to bring a great product to customers."

Koronaviruksen aiheuttamat rajoitukset ovat tehneet monille pahan loven henkilökohtaiseen talouteen, joten Xbox All Access on siksikin hyvä mahdollisuus rahoittaa uuden konsolin hankinta.

"We should also just understand the global economic situation that we're going to see this year - we're seeing it today - and I think having more pricing options for consumers is, frankly, just a thoughtful thing for us as industry to think about, whether it's Game Pass and me getting access to hundreds of games for a lower amount each month, or things like Xbox All Access that let me get into a new hardware generation without the big upfront cost. I think those are going to be important things with the economic situation that we see outside."

Xbox Series X julkaistaan loppuvuodesta 2020.

Xbox All Access tulee olemaan keskeinen osa Xbox Series X -konsolin julkaisua

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