The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Seuraavan sukupolven The Witcher 3:n tekee Saber Interactive

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Viime viikolla Gamereactor uutisoi, että CD Projekt Redin merkkiteos The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on tulossa myös seuraavan sukupolven konsoleille. Ja uusi versio tulee olemaan kokonaan ilmainen niille, jotka ovat pelin jo päättyvälle laitepolvelle hankkineet.

Nyt CD Projekt Red on paljastanut, että uuden polven kehitystyön hoitaa Saber Interactive. CD Projekt Redin pomo Adam Kicinski kertoi, että Saber Interactive teki jo hyvää työtä Switch-version kanssa, joten heillä on homma hallussa.

"Regarding The Witcher 3 and its next-gen version: this project is developed outside, with our proven partner who had delivered the 4K version of The Witcher 3 and The Witcher 3 for Switch, so they already know our technology very well.

We asked them to prepare the next-gen port, and as I said during my presentation, we expect a full next-gen experience, with great next gen features, but it doesn't interfere with next-gen development of CP, which is being done internally by the CP team, and we're confirming that CP will be released in the next-gen version."

Kicinski tähdensi myös, että Saber Interactive tekee vain The Wtcher 3:n seuraavan sukupolven laitteille. Cyberpunk 2077 kääntyy uudelle laitepolvelle firman sisäisesti.

"Well we have to differentiate two things: the current version, which will be released in November, will be playable from the beginning when next-gen consoles are released; you will be able to play the current-gen version on next-gen from day 1. And you can expect a bit higher quality than on the current gen.

However, the full-blown next-gen version is planned for next year and it will be developed internally."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Kiitokset, TweakTown

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