Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

EA luottaa edelleen vahvasti Biowareen

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Bioware on viime vuosina menettänyt pahasti sitä hohtoa, mikä firmalla oli aiempina vuosikymmeninä. Mass Effect: Andromeda oli mitä oli, ja Anthem se vasta olikin mitä oli.

EA kuitenkin edelleen uskoo vahvasti toimitusjohtajansa Andrew Wilsonin suulla Biowaren mahtavuuteen. Hän puhui sijoittajille, ja asiasta kertoi IGN.

Tällä hetkellä Biowarella ovat työn alla Dragon Age 4 ja ihan upouusi Mass Effect.

"I think that from the outside world there have been some blips in [BioWare's] delivery over the last couple of years, but that has come as a result of them pushing deeply into innovation and creativity, and we feel very, very confident about their future roadmap- And we've talked about games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect in their future. With respect to Casey and Mark leaving, both good friends of mine, and we have tremendous respect for both of them. But this happens in the natural course of creative organizations from time to time, and we feel very very good about the ongoing leadership of that studio."

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

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