Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 6 julkaistaan myös Xbox Onelle ja Playstation 4:lle

Huoli siis pois.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Vajaa kuukausi sitten Gamereactor uutisoi huhusta, jonka mukaan Battlefield 6 jättää Playstation 4:n ja Xbox Onen väliin. Nyt sitten moinen pelko voidaan unohtaa, ja lähteenä on EA:n toimitusjohtaja Andrew Wilson.

"Battlefield will be available for both current-gen and next-gen as will our sports titles. The reference specifically from our prepared remarks was around the nature of gameplay. What we can do with the fidelity of the game, what we can do with physics, artificial intelligence, and the immersive nature of the game."

"And in the case of Battlefield, what we can do with respect to the amount of players that we can have in the game, and the nature of destruction and those all-new Battlefield moments that are truly next-gen opportunities that we are able to do in the context of our next-gen franchises because of the increased processing power and memory and output of the new consoles."

Ainakin tämä voidaan nyt sanoa varmaksi siitä tulevasta Battlefieldista.

Battlefield 2042

Kiitokset, Windows Central

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