Star Fox Zero

Platinum Games olisi kiinnostunut siirtämään Star Fox Zeron Nintendo Switchille

Star Fox Zero on yksi niitä harvoja Nintendon omia pelejä, joita ei ole vielä siirretty Wii U:lta Switchille.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Nintendo Switchille on ehditty tässä vaiheessa siirtää melkein kaikki Nintendon tunnetut omat pelit Wii U -aikakaudelta. Näitä ovat muun muassa Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World ja Mario Kart 8. Joukosta on kuitenkin vielä poissa Star Fox Zero, jonka kehitti Wii U:lle Platinum Games.

VGC pääsi haastattelemaan Platinum Gamesin pomoa Atsushi Inabaa, jonka mukaan on kiinnostusta siirtää Star Fox Zero Nintendo Switchille. Se este projektille on, että kaikki muutokset täytyy hyväksyttää Star Foxin luojalla Shigeru Miyamotolla.

"It's not cool that people aren't able to play older games because they're locked out of the platform, so of course if anything was possible we'd like to bring over any of those older titles to the newer platforms. It kind of depends on what's in the realm of actual possibility, but yeah, if the chance came up it's definitely something we'd like to think about."

"The important thing to remember there is that because it's Nintendo's IP, the ideas are coming from Miyamoto-san himself. We have to respect what Miyamoto-san wants to do. --- Of course, at that time there was a lot of discussion between Platinum and Nintendo, but if the opportunity came up to bring Star Fox Zero to the Switch again it would be more of a question of what he would like to do in that opportunity, and of course we would respect that again."

Star Fox Zero

Kiitokset, IGN

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