Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tina Tina's Wonderlands luo tutusti varusteensa satunnaisesti pelaajalle

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* Pakollinen tieto

Borderlands-sarjan sivuaskel Tiny Tina's Wonderlands julkaistaan 25. maaliskuuta 2022. Mukana on siis Borderlandsille tuttuja ominaisuuksia. Eurogamerille puhunut ohjaaja Matt Cox on kertonut, että varusteet muodostuvat satunnaisesti aivan niin kuin Borderlandsissa on totuttu. Edelleen Coxin mukaan mukana on aiempaa enemmän taikakykyjä ja lyömäaseilla tehtävää taistelua.

"We wanted to have the same procedural tech that drives our guns also drive our spell books and our melee weapons, and to some degree, our armour as well. So, it's made up of a bunch of different pieces that can all get mixed and matched together depending on rarity. And they all roll very similarly to guns. So, it was very important to us that the types of loot that people are used to in our brand of game aren't just like little orbs of something, it's actually loot that you find, that rolls with different parts."

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

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