
Phil Spencer odottaa Playstationin kopioivan Xbox Game Passin itselleen silkkana sellaisenaan

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Xbox-pomo Phil Spencerin vahvana ideana on ollut, että Xboxin pelit pitäisivät olla koettavissa niin PC:llä, Xboxilla kuin älylaitteillakin. Ja tässä on aivan erityisesti ollut apuna Xbox Game Pass.

IGN:n haastattelussa Spencer on sitä mieltä, että Playstation kopioinee aikanaan silkkana sellaisenaan Xbox Game Passin itselleen. Edelleen Spencer uskoo, että Playstation ryhtyy julkaisemaan pelejään niin kuukausimaksulliseen palveluun kuin PC:llekin perinteisen Playstation-konsolin kanssa samaan aikaan.

"I don't mean it to sound like we've got it all figured out, but I think the right answer is allowing your customers to play the games they wanna play, where they wanna play them, and giving them choice about how they build their library, and being transparent with them about what our plans are in terms of our PC initiatives and our cross-gen initiatives and other things.

So when I hear others doing things like Game Pass or coming to PC, it makes sense to me because I think that's the right answer."

Huhuilujen mukaan Playstationin omassa palvelussa olisi ensin lähinnä vanhoja pelejä, mutta laajenisi myöhemmin kattamaan myös uudet pelit Xbox Game Passin lailla. Spencerin mukaan muutkin kuin Playstation saattavat hyvinkin seurata esimerkkiä.

"I don't really look at it as validation. I actually, when I'm talking to our teams, I talk about it as an inevitability. So for us, we should continue to innovate, continue to compete, because the things that we're doing might be advantages that we have in the market today, but they're just based on us going first, not that we've created something that no one else can go create.

I like it because it feeds our energy on what are the next things that we should be working on as we continue to build out the things that we've done in the past. Because I think the right answer is to ship great games, ship them on PC, ship them on console, ship them on cloud, make them available Day 1 in the subscription. And I expect that's what our competitor will do."

Phil Spencer odottaa Playstationin kopioivan Xbox Game Passin itselleen silkkana sellaisenaan

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