
Forspoken lykättiin lokakuulle

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* Pakollinen tieto

Viime viikolla Gamereactor uutisoi huhusta, jonka mukaan Square Enixin Forspoken on lykkääntynyt jonnekin tulevaisuuteen. Valitettavasti huhu piti paikkansa. Twitter tietää nyt kertoa julkaisun lykkääntyneen aina 11. lokakuuta 2022 saakka. Lisäaika tarvitaan pelin hiomiseen.

"We have made the decision to move the release date of Forspoken to October 11, 2022. Our vision for this exciting new IP is to deliver a game world and hero that gamers across the globe will want to experience for years to come, so getting it right is extremely important to us. To that end, during the next few months we will focus all of our efforts on polishing the game and can't wait for you to experience Frey's journey this fall.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We look forward to sharing more about Forspoken with you soon."


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